Cities skylines tmpe cars stopping at intersection
Cities skylines tmpe cars stopping at intersection

  • Prevent vehicles crossing oncoming traffic.
  • Enter blocked junction - disallowed for side-roads (always allowed for vehicles on the priority road).
  • Pedestrian crossings - disallowed (build some pedestrian bridges!).
  • cities skylines tmpe cars stopping at intersection

    Priority road traffic always has Priority.Joining traffic must Yield (you can change to Stop).The default High Priority Roads traffic policies are listed below you can change them in Policies settings: The road pictured above was visually customised with the Continues Junction Median and Hide TMPE Crosswalks mods. The result is essentially a minor arterial road capable of carrying moderate-to-large volumes of traffic at fairly high speed: Use pedestrian bridges/tunnels to allow cims to reach the other side.They ban pedestrian crossings on the road.Use Collector Roads or Traffic Lights to allow traffic to reach the other side.They ban 'far-side turns' so vehicles can't cut across oncoming traffic.

    cities skylines tmpe cars stopping at intersection cities skylines tmpe cars stopping at intersection

    High Priority Roads tackle those problem head-on: But there is an even worse form of disruption: Traffic and pedestrians crossing multiple lanes, including oncoming traffic, to reach the other side of the road. Priority Routes utilise Priority Signs to minimise disruption caused by joining traffic. Note: A similar feature exists for roundabouts, see: Roundabout Policies Overview

    Cities skylines tmpe cars stopping at intersection